1. Extend JsLIGO concrete and abstract syntax to support type parameters in functional expressions, i.e. const rev = <T>(...) => ... Currently we can only write const rev : <T>(...) = (...) => ... but the scope of T is not the same as what we propose. See (type ...) parameter in CameLIGO. (see MR https://gitlab.com/ligolang/ligo/-/merge_requests/2315)

  2. Refactor the abstraction of the switch statement:

    1. There is a MR from Sander (link) about return statements, which already improves the current hack: make that MR ready.

    2. There are some catch-all clauses introduced try and remove the use of a catch-all clause.

    3. Remove variant types and match and replace them with discriminate unions and switch, but a simple removal would not do because, for instance, switch is a statement, whereas match is an expression.

      let v = Some(1)
      const option_value = match(v, 
         { Some: (v) => v 
         , None: () => failwith "None" }
      // You cannot do this because 
      const option_value_fn = (v) => {
          switch(v.kind) {
            case "Some": return v.data
      			case "None": failwith "None"
      const option_value2 = option_value_fn(v)
    4. default case in discriminated unions don’t work

      type shape = 
        { kind: "square", size: int } 
      | { kind: "rectangle", width: int, height: int };
      const area = (s: shape) => {
          switch (s.kind) {
              case "square":    return s.size * s.size;
              case "rectangle": return s.width * s.height;
      				default: return -1; 
  3. Allow p.x = e instead of p = {..p, x:e}for let variables p (see MR https://gitlab.com/ligolang/ligo/-/merge_requests/2309 and https://gitlab.com/ligolang/ligo/-/merge_requests/2331)

  4. Introduce function keyword (see https://gitlab.com/ligolang/ligo/-/merge_requests/2661)

  5. Allow list([...xs, ...ys, ...zs]) for list concatenation instead of calling List.append

  6. Allow let m = Map.empty; m.set('a', 12);instead of let m = Map.empty; m = Map.update('a', 12, m);

  7. Make record update work as an instruction (see https://gitlab.com/ligolang/ligo/-/merge_requests/2661)

    let p =  { x: 0, y : 0};
    p = {...p, x:1};
  8. Fix block scopes in jsligo

    // const & let have block scope 
    type t = {
        x : int ,
        y : string,
        kind : string 
    const main = (_: t, s: int): [list<operation>, int] => {
        const p = { x : 2 , y : "foo", kind : "aaa" } 
        let p = { ...p, x: 1}; // This should be an error
        return [list([]), 1]
    // Same for 
        let p = { x : 2 , y : "foo", kind : "aaa" } 
        let p = { ...p, x: 1};
  9. For nullary constructors consider the following syntax type t = "none" | { kind : "some"; value : int }